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Lord Krug the "Beheader"

This is Krug the "Beheader" Warlord of the Soul Reapers warband. He is also known as the Scourge of the eastern fringe and Terror of the Ghoul Stars.

As much as I love the look of a Chaos Lord in Terminator armor, they really aren't that great in game. He has been relegated to story driven play or large points games over 2000 points; where I can field enough Terminators and Landraiders to keep him safe.

Then I got to thinking, if I am usually fielding him in large points games why not spend the extra 110 points and use him as a counts as Abaddon.

Abaddon is a monster, his stats and special rules are befitting the vision I have for Krug.

So I am thinking a conversion may be in order. I'll replace his right lower arm with a Talon of Horus I have in my bitz box. My only trepidation is that he turned out very nice.

What do you guys think?

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