Alright, guys. A few announcements.
First, I've gotta thank everyone supporting me over on my Patreon again. I've been posting two/three pages per day there for a while, so we've got quite a hefty buffer to work with now. There are currently over fifty extra pages to read there, so please have a look, if you're interested.
And now that we've reached that fifty-page milestone, I feel like it's a good time to start posting more pages here on the main site again. So on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays you can expect a second page at noon.
Also, if you didn't already know, I've started posting TZKS over on RoyalRoad in full chapter posts. Check it out, if you like. You might prefer the format to here on the main site. OR YOU MIGHT NOT. I DUNNO.
Regarding the question of the mobile version that I posed a few days ago, I've been considering your guys' feedback, and I've decided to re-enable it. Janky thought it may be, the fact that it's optional is a big plus. If you like, you can keep using it. If not, the desktop version is available, too. Thanks for all your responses.
Oh, and you can expect a handful of extra pages on Thanksgiving, by the way. I'll have some news next month regarding the Vol. 5 ebook, and maybe another surprise as well. MAYBE, I SAID. DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP TOO MUCH, GODDAMMIT.
Anyway, thanks for reading, everybody. And thanks for all the support.